Monday, 24 October 2011

What we learnt from you

We asked you some questions.

 What do you like about the High Street ?

What would you like to see in the High Street ?

Here's just a few of the things you said:
'Keep the things we love: don’t change for the sake of changing.'
'The farmers market should be spread up the High Street, and there could be permanent stalls.'
'Taunton needs to enhance its OWN IDENTITY. '

'A bit of art-sculptures'
'Christmas decorations.'
'Keep good shops in the centre of town'
'Farmers market, a proper one, like the old Cattle Market. The current market has half the stalls. The old market was great.'

Main concerns were: 
bicycle pathways, safety, seating, trees, signposting
'Joined up thinking' in design, through choice of materials used and trees planted, to unite the town.


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